A friend of the SDC (who shall remain nameless unless they want to out themselves in comments) sent along a link to Matthew Odam’s “Top 50 Restaurants” in the Statesman.
He also observed that every one of the places on my “Die in a Fire” list is on Odam’s list. To which I say, “Good for Odam”. Perhaps Vespaio treats Odam better than they treated me. (Though I doubt it, considering that they had a run-in with a previous Statesman critic.) Perhaps Odam doesn’t consider charging for iced tea refills in Texas a crime (in which case I’d question his credentials as a critic). Perhaps he likes waiting an hour to get a damn burger. Good for Odam.
For the record, I’ve eaten at 11 out of Odam’s 50. Not all of those were dining conspiracies, and a couple of places on Odam’s list I haven’t been to in several years. We’ve had discussions about eating at several other places on Odam’s list; we’ll probably do Congress and the Driskill Grill when we’re both feeling more flush than we are currently, for example.